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风华正安徽 | 固镇:汉兴之地,胜利之城

2025-01-04 10:34    点击次数:130

  绘风华安徽,润江淮秀色。安徽省政府新闻办联合安徽画报社重磅打造“风华正安徽”栏目,以中英文形式呈现安徽各地市(区、县)自然风光、人文历史、经济发展、生态旅游等内容,更好呈现江淮大地蓬勃发展的新气象,讲好安徽故事,让在安徽生活、工作的外籍读者更加了解安徽,让安徽走出国门。本期推出“固镇县”篇。  泱泱华夏,淮水汤汤。中国固镇,位于谷水之北,古称谷阳。这里是中华文明的重要发源地,是汉系血脉传承的重要源头,是楚汉相争的决胜地。固镇于 1965 年 7 月建县, 是安徽省最年轻的县,境内也有安徽省最古老的城址——垓下大汶口文化城址,当时填补了安徽省和淮河流域无史前城址的空白,获评 2009 年度全国十大考古新发现,被誉为“大汶口文化第一城”。  固镇城区风貌 / An urban view of Guzhen  The Huaihe River flows vigorously in the magnificent land of China.Guzhen of China, once known as Guyang in history, is located north of the Gushui River.This place is an important cradle of Chinese civilization, an important source area of the Han culture lineage being inherited, and a decisive battlefield for the survival between Chu and Han about 2,200 years ago.Although Guzhen is the youngest county established only in July 1965, it boasts the oldest city site in Anhui. As the discovery of the 4,600-year-old Gaixia Dawenkou Cultural Site has filled the historical gap of no prehistoric city in the region between the Yangtze and Huaihe rivers, it is known as the "First City of Dawenkou Culture in China" in the Huaihe River Basin.  01  古老的城址  固镇县史前已有人类活动的踪迹,历来是中华民族生息、繁衍、发展的重要地区之一。“四面楚歌”“十面埋伏”“霸王别姬”等传颂千古的故事,正是发生在这片土地之上。东汉著名的经学家、文字学家许慎曾在此为官,写下《说文解字》,开字典之先河。  楚汉之争雕塑 / A sculpture of the war between Chu and Han  7500 年前的集东遗址、4900 年前的南城孜遗址、4600 年前的垓下遗址……固镇县境内已发现 20 处新石器时代遗址。垓下大汶口文化遗址,被誉为“大汶口文化第一城”,是全国重点文物保护单位。“垓下遗址”的发现,填补了安徽省和淮河流域无史前城址的空白,被称为安徽省“最古老的城址”。除此之外,南城孜遗址、谷阳城遗址、集东遗址、津浦铁路固镇站遗址等一批省级文物保护单位,清晰地记载着固镇的历史脉络和文化变迁。  “力拔山兮气盖世,时不利兮骓不逝。”西楚霸王项羽曾在这片土地吟唱,公元前 202年,“垓下之战”发生在以固镇垓下为中心的地区,刘邦大胜项羽于垓下,奠定了汉王朝四百年基业;作为淮海战役的主战场之一,对解放战争的胜利起到了决定性作用;南宋抗金之战、辛亥革命北伐固镇首捷,确立了固镇在数次决战决胜中的历史地位和历史价值,让这座具有千年历史的固镇,深深地镌刻上“汉兴之地、胜利之城”的历史印记。  垓下古战场 / The Gaixia ancient battlefield  The oldest city site  Guzhen County has traces of human activities in prehistoric times and it has been one of the important areas for the survival, reproduction, and development of the Chinese nation. Stories that have been passed down through the ages, such as “Song of Chu from Four Sides (being besieged on all sides)”, “Ten-sided Ambush (being ambushed on all sides)”, and “Farewell to my Concubine (the Overlord of Chu bids farewell to his beloved concubine)”, all happened exactly on this land. Xu Shen (58-147), a famous Confucian scholar and etymologist in the Eastern Han Dynasty, once served as an official here and wrote Shuowen Jiezi (Analytical Dictionary of Characters), setting a precedent in dictionary compilation.  谷阳城遗址 / The site of the ancient Guyang county seat  The 7,500-year-old Jidong Site, the 4,900-year-old Nanchengzi Site, and the 4,600-year-old Gaixia Site, to name only a few... As of now, a total of 20 Neolithic sites have been discovered in Guzhen County.The Gaixia Dawenkou Cultural Site is hailed as the first city of Dawenkou culture in China and it is now a key cultural site under state protection. The discovery of the Gaixia Site has filled the gap of no prehistoric city in Anhui and in the Huaihe River Basin. Now, it is known as the oldest city site in Anhui. In addition, there are a number of historical and cultural sites under provincial protection, such as the Nanchengzi Site, Guyangcheng Site, Jidong Site, and the Station Site of the Jinpu (Tianjin-Pokou) Railway. The relics and remains have explicitly recorded the history and the cultural evolution of Guzhen.No parallel in the world is me, the overlord, I can even uproot a peak, as I am so strong,Now an adverse situation in which I fall, No further and no place my steed can run.  津浦铁路固镇站遗址 / The old Guzhen station site of the Jinpu (Tianjin-Pokou) Railway  Xiang Yu (232-202 BC), the overlord of Western Chu, once sang his swan song in this land. In 202 BC, the Battle of Gaixia occurred in the area centered around Gaixia in Guzhen. Liu Bang (256-195 BC) overwhelmingly defeated Xiang Yu in this area, laying a solid foundation for the establishment of the Han Dynasty that lasted about 400 years.As one of the main battlefields in the Huai-Hai Campaign, the battle here played a decisive role in the Liberation War. The War of Resistance against Jin (1125-1141) in the Southern Song Dynasty, the first victory of the Northern Expedition in the Revolution of 1911, and several other fierce battles established the historical image and value of Guzhen, leaving this millennial county engraved deeply with the imprints of “the promising land of the Han Dynasty” and “the city of victory”.  02  年轻的县城  固镇于 1965 年 7 月建县,是安徽省最年轻的县。固镇县背靠中西部、地处长三角,位于上海、南京、杭州等大城市经济辐射圈内。长三角一体化发展规划、中原城市群发展规划、淮河生态经济带发展规划、合芜蚌国家自主创新示范区,四大国家级发展战略叠加,政策效应突显。境内国省干道纵横,宁洛高速、合徐高速傍依而过,千吨级货轮通江达海。  智能机械臂 / Intelligent robotic arm  近年来,固镇县坚持把推动高质量发展作为首要任务,聚焦“‘七个强省’建设优等生、皖北全面振兴先锋队、蚌埠跨越发展排头兵”的自我定位,全面建设自立自强的科技强县、智能绿色的制造强县、产业兴旺的农业强县、宜居宜业的生态强县、英才荟萃的人才强县、人民满意的教育强县、繁荣兴盛的文旅强县,加快建设现代化美好固镇。  固镇县拥有 1 个省级经济开发区,2019 年被国家工信部认定为国家新型工业化产业示范基地,有生物化工、农副产品加工、机械装备制造、新能源主导产业。稳步推进开发区“五大工程”,智慧园区平台、园区路网、人才公寓等项目建成投用,“人地钱、水电气、能安环”全方位要素保障更加完善。甬蚌产业园落户固镇,甬蚌发展公司正式运营,五大产业基地、三个“园中园”加快建设,县域产业承接能力更加突出。  近年来,固镇县踔厉奋发、勇毅前行,先后获评国家级新型工业化产业示范基地、国家商品粮大县、全省农产品加工业 20 强县等荣誉称号,生物基制造产业基地入选安徽省县域特色产业集群(基地)名录。  安徽国芯人工智能技术有限公司生产车间/A workshop of Anhui Guoxin AI Technology Co., Ltd.  A new development paradigm with “three poles, two belts, and multiple points”  Guzhen enjoys a favorable location backed by the central and western regions of China, in the Yangtze River Delta, and within the influence of the economic circles of such major cities as Shanghai, Nanjing, and Hangzhou. Thanks to the overlapped effect of the four national development strategies, i.e. the Outline of the Integrated Regional Development of the Yangtze River Delta, the Development Plan on the Central China Urban Agglomeration, the Development Plan on the Huaihe River Ecological and Economic Belt, and the Decision on the Construction of the Hefei-WuhuBengbu Demonstration Area for Independent Innovation, Guzhen experiences remarkable benefits from the polices. National and provincial trunk roads crisscross the county, with the NanjingLuoyang and the Hefei-Xuzhou expressways passing by. Thousandton rated cargo ships leaving the county can reach sea ports through the Yangtze River.  Guzhen County boasts a provincial economic development zone (Yongbang Industrial Cooperation Park, Bengbu-Tongling Guzhen Modern Industrial Park, and Bengbu Taiwan Industrial Park). In 2019, Guzhen County Economic Development Zone was recognized by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology as a national industrial demonstration base for new industrialization. It has three leading industries: biochemistry, agricultural and sideline product processing, and machinery and equipment manufacturing. The two major industrial clusters, a 100-billion-yuan bio-based manufacturing industry and a 10-billion-yuan food processing industry, have begun to take shape.  美丽城区 / Beautiful urban area  Relying on abundant resources, favorable location, and welldeveloped infrastructure, Guzhen County focuses on the building of a new development pattern featuring “three poles, two belts, and multiple points”. The “three poles” refer to three economic growth engines of Chengguan Town, Xinmaqiao Town, and Haocheng Town. The “two belts” mean the core development belt of Guzhen along S101 highway and the belt for developing Han cultural tourism along S329 and S304 highways. The “multiple points” relate to the comprehensive and balanced development with the efforts of all towns and townships in development competition.  In recent years, Guzhen County has forged ahead with enterprise and fortitude. As a result, it has been honored as a national industrial demonstration base for new industrialization, a national commodity grain producer, and a provincial top 20 county in agricultural product processing industry. In addition, its biobased manufacturing industry base has been listed as a county characteristic industry cluster (base) in Anhui.  03  宜居的固镇  固镇是全国重要的粮、油、畜禽产区,全省畜禽养殖十强县、油料作物生产十强县、农业产业化二十强县,也是全国商品粮基地大县、“花生之乡”、“棉花之乡”和畜牧养殖大县。这里宜居宜业,城西公园、许慎公园、三八河水文化公园、万亩荷花园……漫步固镇,移步换景。沱河、浍河、怀洪新河,三条河流穿境而过,三八河、铁路运河、护城河、北城河,百条大沟纵横交错。  垓下骑行 / Cycling in Gaixia  固镇县地处亚热带和暖温带的过渡地带,四季分明,光照充足,风光宜人,物产富饶,素有“宜居和美之地”的美誉,当地特产湖沟烧饼、任桥牛肉、石湖西瓜、王庄花生、濠城豆饼,这些产品久负盛名。  浍河穿城而过,水城交融。近年来,固镇县紧紧围绕“河畅、水清、岸绿、景美、人和”的河湖管护目标,创建“浍河城关段省级幸福河湖”,努力打造宜居、宜游的浍河景观画卷,以穿城而过的浍河为飘带,在南北两岸勾勒出不同的画卷,为市民游客提供体验休闲滨水生活。  固镇的美并没有局限在县城中心,而是均匀地沉淀在了每一个乡镇,每一个村落。秉持“一村一方案”的原则,固镇县因村制宜,充分挖掘地方特色文化、发展地方特色产业、培育乡村文明新风,让有乡愁、有温度、深受百姓喜爱的美丽村庄串点、连线、成片。2013 年以来,固镇县建成美丽乡村 149 个,被评为“安徽省美丽乡村建设先进县”。(本栏目部分图片由固镇县委宣传部提供)  金色大地 / Golden land  The land of abundance in the Huaihe River Basin  Guzhen is an important grain, oil, and livestock production area in China. It is rated as one of the top 10 counties for livestock and poultry breeding and oil crop production in Anhui, as well as one of the top 20 counties strong in agricultural industrialization in the province. It is known as a major county in China for commodity grain, peanut, and cotton production, and for animal husbandry. It is a county very livable as it has many enjoyable places, such as the Chengxi Park, Xushen Park, Sanbahe Water Cultural Park, and the Wanmu (10-thousand mu) Lotus Garden... Strolling in Guzhen, you will find the scenery changes with each move of your step.Three rivers, namely, Tuohe, Huihe and the new Huaihong River, pass through the county, and the Sanba River, the Tielu (Railway) Canal, the moat, and the Beicheng River interweave with about 100 ditches.  As it is located in the transitional zone between the subtropical zone and the warm temperate zone, Guzhen has four distinct seasons, sufficient sunlight, amazing scenery and rich resources. Thus it is known as a land of abundance in the Huaihe River Basin. Famous local specialties include Hugou shaobing (baked cake), Renqiao beef, Shihu watermelon, Wangzhuang peanut, and Haocheng bean cake, all enjoying long-standing praise.  汉兴之地繁花似锦 / Flowers in full bloom on the land where the Han Dynasty came into history  The Huihe River passes through the city and the urban area is a harmonious place having water scenery. Closely focusing on the management goal of making rivers and lakes flow smoothly, the waters limpid, the banks green, the nearby scenery attractive and people in harmony with nature, Guzhen has gathered efforts in recent years to create a provincial happy river and lake section along the Huihe River in its Chengguan area, attempting to make it a painting-like place livable and worth visiting. Specifically, the county will use the Huihe River that flows through the urban area as a scenic “ribbon” and make different scenes on both the north and the south sides of the river, so as to provide residents and tourists with opportunities to experience the leisurely waterfront life.  The attractiveness of Guzhen is not only limited to the central urban area of the county, but also evenly distributed in every town, township and village. Under the guiding principle of "one village, one plan", Guzhen County adjusts measures to local conditions of each village, makes full use of local culture features, develops local characteristic industries, and cultivates new rural life style of civility. In this way, the drive to make villages memorable, friendly, and lovely can be expanded from “spots to lines and then to large areas”.Since 2013, Guzhen has succeeded in constructing 10 beautiful builtup areas in towns and townships and 149 beautiful rural areas. Therefore, it is awarded a title of “Advanced County for Beautiful Rural Construction in Anhui Province”.  版权须知:未经本刊书面许可,任何人或单位不得以任何形式转载、摘编本刊图文内容。

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